Update on Action Item/Partnership: TESS/MTCU /Construction Connections

Dear Toronto LBS Programs, 

WOW! That was fast!   I met with James Lapierre/TESS yesterday and now we need an LBS program to help Construction Connections at 150 Eglinton.   From his colleagues' message-  he asks:  " Specifically, we are interested in a high functioning agency that would be willing to support the project on-site... Would love to have you come out and meet at the CC site at 150 Eglinton maybe next week? "  

Please join us on a "fact-finding mission" with CC? or suggest someone I should contact about this?  

Please let me know by Friday August 3rd mid-day.  Looking forward to it! 

Michelle Ransom, Executive Director,  MTML 
The literacy network of Toronto and York Region, since 1978 

Update on Action Item/Partnership:  TESS/City of Toronto/James Lapierre; Workforce Development Strategies & Employment Programs & Services.  I met him yesterday at Metro Hall.  Their programs have had some success partnering and hosting "itinerant programs" - reminding me of the words "wrap around services" I've been hearing.  He has a project in mind to collaborate with an LBS provider - and will get the right people in place to connect with me.  More news as and when!  Thanks for the action item #torontomembers !!


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