Advocacy Working Group - Meeting Notes

Dear Members -  Please find a few notes from our meeting below.  Please feel free to reach out to any of us if you would like to connect on these topics. 

Phylicia (PD), Renaud (RS),, Anne-Marie (AW), Michelle (MR)
Tuesday, August 7 10:00; Alpha Toronto Conseil Inc, 90 Richmond St E, Toronto, ON M5C 1P1

MR:  seek and share details on CESBA
Umbrella agencies are at risk, but there is the Labour Mkt agreement
AW: arranging a date for MPP visit  --”note that our ED is attempting to arrange a site visit with our MPP here at the West Centre.”  PTP Adult Learning and Employment Programs
MR:  team recommends MR get last 3 years of stats from CAMS; take the opportunity to show that the system works, and the investment in LBS is a good one
MR:  team recommends MR speak with Bernadette about communications/government relations
Let’s help the government understand our value - low cost, success stories of folks meeting their objectives, partnerships,
PD: could look into a research study - will explore with OISE contacts
We must be allies with the ministry
MTML is the voice - need to communicate positively; be able to identify gaps and provide solutions to those gaps.

Learning from today :  
Advocacy becomes “government relations” and educating the government about how valuable and successful our programs are for the residents of Ontario.  

Next steps:
MR:  share the document prepared by Matt/LNO re: connecting with your MPP (document available by request - please email Michelle)

MR:  facilitate the next meeting as the group sees fit


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