May/ June posts from the community - selections from May 16-June 26 Slack Group

If you would like to join the community of practice on slack, please join here.

Michelle [3:24 PM]
From @Grace Santeramo - posting to #regionalcollaboration  Grace Santeramo [2:13 PM]
FYI MAESD updates. Received this email today:
“Hello Grace,   Here is a copy of Samantha’s email that was sent out earlier:   Dear members of the LBS Improvement and Expansion Steering Committee, Working Tables and Reference Groups: 
This is a quick note to inform you that the in-person meetings originally scheduled to take place in July will need to be rescheduled, and we will be in touch as soon as possible about the new dates.
The Government continues to be in caretaker mode, and during this time, no consultations have been taking place as the focus is on routine business or urgent/unexpected items.
We appreciate the need to make plans, and we will be in touch as soon as possible with revised dates.
Samantha Anderson
Project Manager
Blueprint ADE”


Michelle [5:07 PM]
Dear MTML members -  Thank you to those members who were able to make it on Monday 18th and Thursday 21.  Please find a summary attached, and the next steps here:

1.     START UP THE ADVOCACY GROUP – Phylicia, Renaud, Judi, Anne-Marie.  Meeting set for Tuesday, August 7  10:00 – 11:30am ;  Alpha Toronto Conseil Inc; 90 Richmond St E, Toronto, ON M5C 1P1, Canada

2.      MTML MEETING WITH OW –  Renaud, Anne-Marie, Maxine (Michelle to set up the next step) 

3.      REFRESH THE SERVICE COORDINATION COMMITTEE include the program managers (higher than the ETC) at MAESD, make sure we have a local focus: check who is on this working table… and recruit (Michelle to set up next step )

4.       ANNUAL LITERACY SERVICE PLAN – Michelle to propose next steps-find 2-3 things that affect all.

Please continue our discussion on slack – what did you like about the meeting? What doesn’t work for you? What is missing?  Looking forward to your thoughts to improve our meetings

Our third and final June meeting is this Thursday June 28th Toronto East/Scarborough (10am-12pm) at the East York Learning Experience kindly hosted by Gail and her team. We will have the same "unconference", where the group will determine the agenda on the day.

Please RSVP via doodle at this link HERE.

We are continuously working to improve our email contact lists.  If you would like to be removed, or suggest another person be added,  please email (edited)
Michelle [9:39 AM]
ONLINE LEARNING:  The LearningHUB offers online Literacy, Basic and Essential Skills upgrading through three flexible learning options.

September 2018 Thu, Sep 27
Online Community of Practice for LBS - Why Math Matters  2:00pm - 3:30pm
October 2018  Thu, Oct 25
Online Community of Practice for LBS - Math Anxiety -Arlene Cronin  Debera Flynn 2:00pm - 3:30pm
November 2018 Thu, Nov 22
Online Community of Practice for LBS - Making Math Fun!  Debera Flynn  Andrea Dickinson 2:00pm - 3:30pm
January 2019 Jan 24, 2019
Online Community of Practice for LBS - Math Resources  Gay Douglas Broerse  Debera Flynn 2:00pm - 3:30pm
February 2019 Feb 28, 2019
Online Community of Practice for LBS - Money Math (Financial Literacy)  Sara Gill  Debera Flynn 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Michelle [2:11 PM]
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Michelle RansomMTML <>
Date: Tue, Jun 19, 2018 at 2:10 PM
Subject: Your thoughts? Let's pilot a monthly, but short!, phone meeting Re: POLL: Rescheduling LLC MeetingDea r colleagues -   Further to my message on slack and phone calls with several of you, I write to learn your thoughts about testing out a phone meeting for our group.  Please also see the meeting minutes from June 2016 below, that helped me with this idea: 
What do you all think of piloting a regular monthly 30-45 min conference call for the whole team starting  in July? This would not prevent us meeting in person, but would give us a regular time to share updates and understand what is going on for each of you. I hope to understand your needs better, and have a chance to learn how MTML might help you and your programs. From these meetings we can determine when and where we would like to meet in person.
Learning from the minutes of your previous meetings, I propose a blended agenda - some standing items, and some identified by the group on the day:
sample agenda:
a) 5 min - Michelle - MAESD Updates, LBS sector announcements; MTML Updates
a) 10min - ALL -  Member Updates/Provider Updates: 1 min per person to update group on your program
b) 15 min - ALL - Topic that emerge from the discussion; suggested by group

I will book it for Thursday July 12 from 10-11am.
In the future,  I will aim to schedule it for around the third Thursday of every month and know that we may only use 30 min. 
Please look for a calendar invitation with the details for the conference call number.

Is this something that is appealing to you? Please let me know!
If I don't hear from you, I'll assume that you are supporting this pilot! Thanks!
Background info: June 2016 minutes: York Region LLC Meeting; June 6, 2016 ;Meeting Notes

York LLC meetings
-          Agreed to keep York LLC meetings on a quarterly schedule for the full group
-          Standing agenda item for LLC meetings – any news we know about from MTCU (memos, meetings, EOPG, etc)
-          Agreed to initiate 2x a year meetings based on geographic areas. Can be teleconference or skype if needed
o   South York – Di, Svetlana, Trisha, Elise
o   Mid-York – Elise, Trisha, Grant, Lynn and Karen
o   North York and Bradford – Charlotte, Elise, Trisha (edited)



The audience for this is anyone who uses writing in their daily work.  It is really beneficial for anyone creating documents for the public.  But it's also very helpful for those that write emails, prepare minutes, write policy, create activities for learners, etc.  We have had practitioners from various fields take this course - from frontline to management all over Ontario and beyond! :)"  

Clear Writing Online Course

This is a public course that you can take to learn how to use Clear Writing principles to help you write clearly
  • at work
  • while volunteering
  • in your daily life.
This course is 12 weeks in length. This course is asynchronous so there are no live sessions. It is delivered on the Moodle platform.
For more information, refer to the course flyer.

Michelle [4:47 PM]
And here is a link to the final report - please see page 41 for the section relevant to community-based literacy providers:

Michelle [11:35 AM]
TOPIC:  3rd Thursdays-  June 21st   4-6pm  Article Club at MTML
Hello Everyone,

I would like to invite you to our first Article Club which will be held regularly on the third Thursday of every month.  

We have heard from our community that we need an opportunity to meet and learn from each other.  Think "book club" or "journal reading group", but more nimble - these articles are the kick-start to some great conversation.    We need your suggestions for articles to discuss each month - just send the links in to us!  Even better if there is a audio or video link to help us prep. 
In the meantime feel free to invite others. The group is open and everyone is welcome. Please bring a snack to share.     We are located  at 344 Bloor St West, Suite 405, at the N/W corner of Bloor/Spadina, across the street from the Miles Nadal JCC, and above Tim's/Swiss Chalet.   Please hold the date and watch for another message where we will share the links - also posted on slack.    
Check out the photo of a similar session we hosted in May - you may have see it on the slack group...

Let me know if you will be planning to come.    
Looking forward to learning with you- @Michelle and @Makela

Katie McLeod [2:38 PM]
@Michelle and @Makela is MTML participating in Word on the Street this year? LBS programs in the southwest were thinking of getting a table in literacy lane, but if there is an MTML presence, we may forgo that plan. Please advise!
Michelle [2:38 PM]
Please join us at our table!  @Makela has started our application...
Katie McLeod [3:31 PM]
Sounds good!
Aly Velji [4:09 PM]
TPL will be there - we have an annual table
Evadne W [7:06 AM]
Thanks, Ly and Katie. It is our hope that more Literacy programs will participate this year. To my knowledge they are 16 spaces in Literacy Lane. I know that Georgina Learning Centre said that they will participate when I sent out a general call to the agencies in February.


Michelle [9:19 AM]
FYI: Ontario Post-Election
Transition Guide Ford PC Majority Government-Sharing from the Support Orgs of Ontario group: (edited)



TOPIC:  ARTICLE CLUB:   UPDATE:  We have confirmed an article - and will be welcoming the authors!   
The authors,  Annalise Huynh and  Nisa Malli  will be joining us to discuss the topic of digital literacy in Canada. The main report is out June 19th, but they have shared a glimpse here:
Please read the link and drop in anytime between 4-6pm on Thurs June 21.
Please RSVP here:
and bring a snack to share!
As always, this article "club" event is open to everyone.  Please share this invitation with those you think might be interested in joining us.
Looking forward to learning with you! (edited)

From Audrey at LEC:  Date: Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 3:43 PM Subject: RE: Confirmed: Third Thursday's Article Club June 21;4-6pm TOPIC: DIGITAL LITERACY
To: Michelle RansomMTML <>, Annefrances Morris <>
Hi Michelle, I won’t be able to attend the article club next week. I read the article and wanted to add another short article that spoke more directly to the adult literacy field. It is short so maybe it can be part of the discussion. Smythe: Where is Canada's digital inclusion strategy Smythe has done a lot of work on digital accessibility and adult literacy. 
Enjoy, Audrey
And more:  suggested by Alan Cherwinksi: " ... it helps to talk of digital literacies rather than limit our thinking to a singular all-inclusive definition. "

Michelle [9:12 AM]
Thank you to the authors Annalise and Nisa for coming to our first Article Club! and thanks to @Matthew Shulmann, @Makela,Sherry, Nicole, @Hadley, Paul and James for the lively discussion... not to mention good snacks! Photos to come! (edited)

SHARING from the Learning Networks of Ontario:  ".... an ETC mentioned the forthcoming Literacy Workplace Initiative (that's the name in the memo) at an LSP ... another ETC handed me a copy of a memo announcing the program on Friday (see attached). Nothing posted yet on EOPG..."

Makela [12:36 PM]

Individuals can apply for the position as Tabulator.

This position requires that:
> Employee be over 16 yrs.
> Able to legally work in Canada
> Attend the training session
> Must have a permanent address

Things to know:
> No Criminal Check is required
> T4 is only issued if you earn more than $500
> Paycheque is mailed out 4 weeks after the election*
> Applications are online only
> A 15 minute interview is required

_* This may affect anyone on Financial Assistance._


Michelle [12:32 PM]
NEWSLETTER:  At Parkdale Project Read, we support adults in Parkdale to realize their learning goals by providing free literacy services in a supportive community (e

Michelle [3:24 PM]
From @Grace Santeramo - posting to #regionalcollaboration  Grace Santeramo [2:13 PM]
FYI MAESD updates. Received this email today:
“Hello Grace,   Here is a copy of Samantha’s email that was sent out earlier:   Dear members of the LBS Improvement and Expansion Steering Committee, Working Tables and Reference Groups: 
This is a quick note to inform you that the in-person meetings originally scheduled to take place in July will need to be rescheduled, and we will be in touch as soon as possible about the new dates.
The Government continues to be in caretaker mode, and during this time, no consultations have been taking place as the focus is on routine business or urgent/unexpected items.
We appreciate the need to make plans, and we will be in touch as soon as possible with revised dates.
Samantha Anderson
Project Manager
Blueprint ADE”

Michelle [3:29 PM]
QUESTION: Has anyone used the CESBA resources?   Welcome to the LBS Practitioner Training website!
This course is designed for practitioners and managers working in LBS (Literacy Basic Skills) in communities across Ontario.
The up-to-date, interactive training modules are easy to follow and understand.
The learning is aligned with the Ontario Adult Literacy Curriculum Framework (OALCF).
Quizzes are available at the end of each unit to test your knowledge.
A certificate is awarded upon completion of all course modules

Date: Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 3:59 PM
To: "" <>
Hi Michelle, Thanks again for taking the time to chat this afternoon; I appreciate your helpful perspective of inquiry!
Here are the links I mentioned I’d send you to blended  learning resources:
* ·         Blended Learning in LBS: What It Is and How It Works: 
·         Registering for e-Channel Programs:   *
Let me know at any time if there are  supports I can offer.
Have a great evening,
Sarah Stocker; Contact North |Contact Nord
Literacy and Basic Skills (e-Channel) Coordinator
807-346-3129 ;

If you would like to join the community of practice on slack, please join here.


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