Slack posts from 4 May - 16May

Dear colleagues, 

Our MTML team is working to improve our communications with you, setting up a space for us to collaborate with each other. Canvassing the Support Organizations and the Literacy Network of Ontario via Basecamp, I confirmed that many are using slack with dropbox successfully to communicate and reduce email traffic.   Additionally, we would appreciate having a space to post updates and questions to the group. We will post items we think are of interest to, as well upcoming meetings and logistics, for your perusal and response. If you are familiar with facebook, Slack works like a facebook group, but better. Here is a (sales) video:

I have been using myself for a few years, and am confident we will be able to tweak it to our needs, with your feedback.  We will be happy to coach you on the setup over the phone, if you wish.  I will be adding other "channels" as well - such as events, toolkits et al.  Please join us- I am  looking forward to working with you here: 

Note: find the "notification settings" on your profile to make sure you get a digest email, if you don't want to be "alerted" all the time.

Request on slack:  We are repairing our website.  In the meantime we are building page with all the current links to your LBS programs.  Please go to slack to share your agencies' website link - specific to LBS programs, if possible.  

I also look forward to your feedback on using this tool at our next meeting.

Thanks for your collaboration! 
Michelle Ransom

Please find a selection of the posts on slack below -May 6-14
Makela [9:37 PM]
We would like to *reschedule our LLC meeting* What day works best for everyone and who can accommodate us on that given day? A poll has been sent to each member directly. Please vote :slightly_smiling_face:
Michelle [4:19 PM]
TOPIC:  site visits , meet&greet -  Thank you to @Mary B for hosting this morning - great to meet you, Rebecca, Johanna and @Anne Marie Williams  with @Evadne W.  We heard quite clearly that three main things you need are: 
1) facilitating timely two-way communication with ministry
2) professional development for both a) managers and b) instructors (including tech-enabled blended learning)
3) help you generate a pipeline of learners for the programs in order to meet our goals/metrics, through partnerships with e.g. ES/OW, WSIB
Can you comment/add/edit? (edited)
Michelle [4:23 PM]
TOPIC:  site visits , meet&greet -  Thank you to @Shanchoy for hosting us this afternoon with @Herman, @Katie McLeod and @Evadne W.   We had some energy around these topics: 
1) facilitating communication with ministry - on the challenges of using CAMS/reporting, on metrics/measures that don't match our LBS outcomes
2) professional development and networking
3) partnerships - in order to meet our goals/metrics, through partnerships with e.g. ES/OW, WSIB
Can you comment/add/edit?

Michelle [9:09 PM]
TOPIC: site visits this week- aka "drinking from a firehose"!  Thanks to @Evadne W for putting together all the meetings this week.  Thank you to those mentioned above plus @Alpha-Toronto @Annefrances @Denise Dennis @Matt Foran (GBC) @Tara @Toronto Catholic District School Board @JoanneH and others who are not yet on slack - thank you for making the time to help us understand your needs and priorities a little better.  I'll be putting together my notes and sharing themes.  One strong theme emerged in every conversation:  the desire to be more strategic and deliberate about referrals and service coordination. We came up with some ideas to pursue - including different ways to collaborate (here and in-person).  THANK YOU. (edited)

Tara [8:54 AM]
Thank you  @Michelle  and @Evadne W  for spending time with us to hear our voice. (edited)
Michelle [10:48 AM]
uploaded and commented on this file
MAESDagreementBusPlan1819 v1.xlsx
Excel Spreadsheet
Please take a moment to review this in advance of our meeting in June.  This is the *timeline* of MTML's committments to MAESD for 18/19, including deliverables by category and reporting deadlines.
Michelle [9:48 PM]
Hello all - please check to make sure you are seeing the channel #regionalcollaboration which is where we are posting things like jobs and other announcements.  If not, please send me a direct message = see the option on the left side of the screen in the purple bar.
Michelle [9:14 PM]
TOPIC:  How to move us ahead -  re: info gathering in site visits: One strong theme emerged in every conversation:  the desire to be more strategic and deliberate about referrals and service coordination.  This got me thinking about a similar "process improvement project" at UHN re: teams getting together to deal with infection control using a facilitated problem-solving structure called Discover and Action Dialogue -
JoanneH [8:14 AM]
uploaded and commented on this file
896 kB PDF
Had a good meeting with Michelle and Evadne last week. When discussing referrals, I mentioned this MTML publication. Still quite useful!
Michelle [3:38 PM]
replied to a thread:
Nice to meet you on Monday @Dylan Ivens with @Kirsty and Jenn.  Thanks for meeting with us, and helping us understand your needs better.  I don't have an update for you on the information referrals tracking, but maybe in time, others in the network will be able to share their info...
Michelle [11:25 AM]
MESSAGE FROM @Matt Foran (GBC) - copying from email:  Hi everyone,We offer 2 quick 3-week upgrading classes (in Math and English) which helps prepare students for writing the Mature Student Assessment at GBC.
The classes are free and we have space available for the next session (starting May 14 and 15).  Please see the details below – kindly share with your networks.
Many thanks.
Michelle [10:17 AM]
TOPIC:  Update on the MTML WEBSITE:   On our site visits this week, we learned that some of you use the "find programs" page, and are frustrated that the site has been down.  It is back up, BUT the virus corrupted the search/mapping functionality.   @Makela and I have a plan for a fix (WIP). In the meantime, I've edited the site to prompt people to email us for service.  This might be a good "data gathering" move, to see if folks are using the site.  The temporary page looks like this:   Your thoughts?   I know that @Tara mentioned this is useful to serve her clients...
Michelle [9:18 AM]
TOPIC:  LEARNING FROM OTHERS:  Can you recommend organizations like MTML that are doing a great job for their members? I'd like to  learn from them.  @Evadne W recommended Joanne Kattari and CLO...   your thoughts?
Dylan Ivens [9:07 AM]
The other day @Michelle and I spoke a bit about public awareness of LBS programs and how people are currently being directed to our services. I mentioned that we usually record the types of informal referrals during student intake at the LCG (word of mouth, found us online, signage, etc), and that I could compile that data if it would be useful. Does anyone else also record the details of informal referrals? Would it be possible to get some aggregate data to see where our clients are coming from (apart from formal referrals)? It could certainly be useful information for advertising/promotional decisions.


*The Ontario Native Literacy Coalition’s 30th Anniversary Conference* is fast approaching, a few tips and reminders for registration.

Included in is:
1. Registration Form-please complete fully (limited accommodation space requires shared accommodation wherever possible).
If no accommodation is required please use the pick your own  package.
2. Link to Conference hotel-a credit card number is required, no charge/hold will be placed on the card-standard room charge will be paid by ONLC.  **ONLC is NOT responsible for any additional charges.

Group Name: Ontario Native Literacy
Booking Code: xxx
Booking Link:    ONLC Hotel Booking
Phone number to book Reservations: 1 800 HOLIDAY (800 465 4329)

3. Workshop Brochure–Listing of all workshops, be sure to choose a first and second choice for each session time. Best efforts will be                                                    made to accommodate first choice.
4. Mileage Reimbursement Form-(for LBS member organizations only) detailed instructions included in the attachment.

**AGM is for voting members only and will be held Thursday May 31, 6:00-8:00pm at SNP (411 Elgin St. Brantford ON), dinner provided.

** If you cannot attend be sure to assign your PROXY vote in writing to another voting member.

Please notify Rhonda Davis at:


LLO Conference
June 13-15, 2018
Geneva Parkht (edited)
FREE WEBINAR: The Importance of Self Care
Are you feeling burnt out, maybe even that your work is taking a toll on your physical and mental health? Our free webinar will help you better understand the role of self care in a healthy nonprofit career.

It's easy to burn out in the nonprofit sector. To accomplish our missions, we need to care a lot about people and the world itself. This session will focus on individual and organizational self care in the nonprofit sector. It will include tips and tricks for building a healthier organization and investing time and effort in a healthier YOU.

Free webinar information:
Topic: The Importance of Self Care
Date: Thursday, May 17 at 1pm Eastern Time / 10am Pacific Time (one hour)
Cost: Free - Register Now
Skill Level: Introductory.

This session will be useful to both nonprofit professionals individually, as well as nonprofit leaders looking to create a healthy working environment.

Important Note: While registration is open to all, *attendance is limited to the first 1,000 people to sign onto the live session.* We suggest signing on five minutes early to have the best chance of getting on the live session. If for any reason you aren't able to connect to the live session, rest assured you'll get the full recording by email the following day.

Cut and paste the link here for more information and to register today:

*Not sure if you can attend the live webinar?*

If you're interested in the material but can't commit to attending the live webinar, there is no need to worry - please register anyway! We will email the webinar recording and presentation slides to all registrants the day after the webinar.
Please feel free to pass this invitation on to anyone in your network you think would like to attend.

If you have any questions about the upcoming webinar, please contact me. I'm always happy to answer questions or provide more information.

Best Regards,
Marina Dawson
Manager, Community & Content
Twitter: @CharityVillage


You and members of your organization are invited to the upcoming *Maytree Five Good Ideas about Speaking to a Large Audiences*. This is our last 2018 session and we are delighted to have Ravi Jain, director, actor and artistic director of Why Not Theatre, and Dan Watson, an award-winning creator and producer of theatre and events, present their five good ideas.

Date:       Wednesday, May 23, 2018; 12:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Location:  Auditorium, Central YMCA, 20 Grosvenor St., Toronto

*Five Good Ideas is Maytree’s free lunch-and-learn program* where industry or issue experts discuss practical ideas on key management issues facing non-profit organizations. Each expert presents five ideas and explores with the audience – in person or online – how these ideas can be translated into action. The sessions are most useful for staff and board members at small and mid-sized non-profits.

In this session, Ravi Jain and Dan Watson will help us think about a few ways we can create the circumstances for us to feel comfortable when speaking to large groups. Please join us either in person or online.


Aretha Ndikumwami
Communications Coordinator

Avana Capital Corporation / Maytree

Poverty • Rights • Change

New address as of October 1, 2017
77 Bloor Street West, Suite 1600
Toronto, ON M5S 1M2

T 416-944-2627 x 256  F 416-944-8915  @maytree_canada
Hello community partners,I am pleased to announce that CCRW will be hosting a 2-day intensive job developer training session on June 6-7 facilitated by the Ontario Disability Employment Network (ODEN).There are 7 spots remaining and interested participants can register at the following link:
This low-cost training is ideal for job developers interested in learning additional strategies for supporting jobseekers with both visible and invisible disabilities.
Please share this link and information with your colleagues.Thank you,JaclynJaclyn Krane
Manager, Special Projects | Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work (CCRW)
477 Mount Pleasant Road, Suite 105, | Toronto, ON  M4S 2L9TF: (800) 664-0925 x 242 | F: (416) 260-3093 | |


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